It's Time to Be a Hero! A School Superhero, that is!
We wanted to share some tips with you on how to help your child ensure that this is their best year yet! Some tips may seem simple but remember that setting children up for success doesn't have to be complicated. Sometimes it's the little routines and the quiet encouragement that helps the most.
Here are some tips from our Superhero SLP's, Ms. Ashley, Ms. Liz, Ms Millie and Ms. Abigail:
Writing a social story about the new school schedule may help your child feel more comfortable.
Pull out your child's IEP and look over goals to make sure they are still appropriate for your child. If you feel changes should be made, contact your child's school SLP to schedule an IEP review.
Provide your school SLP and private SLP permission to collaborate! Collaboration between professionals can only benefit your child.
If your child's SLP sends you homework, work on it together. The SLP will only be working with your child for the hours stated on the IEP so your child's progress can increase by spending time at home on those goals set for your child.
Most importantly, be a model for your child. If you are acting overwhelmed, anxious, or unhappy your child may mirror those behaviors. However, if your child sees you are calm, happy, and excited about school, chances are your child will be too!
Top 3 School Difficulties and How to Help: Courtesy of our Superhero OT, Ms. Laurel and her trusty and equally super sidekick, Ms. Mariah
Difficulty with Transitions? Ask your child's teacher for a daily schedule and provide your child with one that is easy to follow for their days at home. Use a first-then schedule: Ex: first circle time, then snack time OR first school, then we go to the park.
Difficulty with Sitting Still? Make sure your child has an opportunity to move before heading to school. Once at school, teach them to touch each finger to their thumb, do heel raises while sitting, practice breathing techniques, and press their hands into their thighs. Ask the teacher to allow your child to assist with carrying objects for heavy work movement activity. Dress your child in tight fitting clothing to increase body awareness and meet sensory seeking needs.
Difficulty with a Loud/Chaotic Classroom? Talk to the teacher about optimal seating choices for your child and, if appropriate, ask if your child can suck on hard candy or chew gum during more chaotic classroom times. Talk with your child about fire drills and cafeteria noises and play noises at home that could be upsetting to them at school. Headphones are another option that can be discussed with your child's teacher if needed.
Most importantly, parents, tell your children how much you LOVE them and how PROUD you are of them. Even superheroes need to hear that......
Happy Back to School from your Little Big and LOUD Family!