Little Big and LOUD
Consistent weekly attendance is a key component to effective therapy treatment. Regular session attendance helps to reinforce skill development and assist in the carryover of skills to settings outside the clinic. Your child’s success in therapy can be greatly enhanced with regular attendance, communicating with your therapist, and practicing homework provided by your therapist.
Due to each family’s specific scheduling needs, putting together our schedule is very similar to solving a puzzle. Once a therapy session is scheduled, that time slot is reserved specifically for you. These reservations are considered a commitment to your child’s developmental health and our business relationship with you. If a child’s appointment is missed, it impacts the generalization of skills along with the mastery of established goals. We expect you to attend sessions scheduled by your therapist except in the event of sickness or emergency.
All cancellations must be received by either call, text, or email 24 hours prior to the scheduled appointment time. Although 24 hours is the minimum, if you need to cancel or reschedule, please give the office as much notice as possible.
Emergencies will be considered excusable if there is a death in the family, unexpected hospitalization, or an emergency department hospital visit. You must present a doctor’s note to be excused.
If your child misses a therapy appointment due to illness, a doctor’s note is required by the following appointment to excuse the absence. Any absence due to illness that is not excused with a doctor’s note will count negatively toward the patient’s attendance record.
If your child misses a therapy appointment for any non-emergency reason, we expect that the session will be attended virtually via Telehealth or rescheduled. This might be with another therapist if a desired time is not available with your child’s primary clinician. Attendance must remain at or above 80% to remain in good standing.
Please note that no-contact absences or late cancellations for initial appointments with new clients will not be rescheduled.
Established self-pay and private insurance clients will be subject to a fee of $65 for each no-contact absence. Any late cancellation made less than two hours from the scheduled appointment time will result in a $50 fee. This must be paid prior to scheduling the next appointment with your therapist. Any appointment cancelled less than 24 hours prior to the scheduled appointment time will be assessed a $25 fee.
If any patient has consistent or consecutive no-contact-absences or late cancellations during a 30-day period, this will result in being placed on flex scheduling or being discharged from our practice.
Repeated failure to comply with this policy will result in your appointments being scheduled based on availability, or “flex” scheduling, which will require you to call for an appointment each week to receive therapy.
Thank you for choosing Little Big and LOUD Pediatric Therapy as your child/ren's therapy provider. We are committed to providing you with the highest quality care. Please know that the timely payment of your bill is an integral part of our service and as such, this payment policy is an agreement between you and Little Big and LOUD for payment of services provided.
Please read the following information carefully:
All therapy fees (including session fees and/or co-pays, if applicable) are due at the time of service.
Parents/Guardians are responsible for all costs/fees that any third-party payer (ex. insurance company, private school, etc.) does not cover. In the event that a third-party payer source determines that rendered therapy services are "not covered" or otherwise denied, the parent/guardian will be responsible for all outstanding charges. If fees are not paid in full, treatment sessions may be postponed or cancelled until payment is received.